Re-Elect Melissa Youssef
2021 Durango City CouncilEXPERIENCED, EFFECTIVE, ENERGETIC summarizes my character as I officially announce my re-election campaign for Durango City Council. I’ve gained invaluable experience the past four years navigating the intricacies of city government. I’ve honed my listening skills. I’ve learned to effectively negotiate through conflict, while striving to be a unifying voice. I have worked hard to deliver on my previous campaign slogan, YOUR VISION, YOUR VALUES, YOUR VOICE, and it has been an honor to communicate directly with so many of you.
During my tenure as mayor (2019-2020), I gained experience in crisis management through two major city personnel transitions and the ongoing crisis of the COVID-19 pandemic. Despite these unprecedented challenges we have been very effective. I am most proud of the timely actions our City Council took to support residents and businesses negatively impacted by the pandemic. Please see 2020 Year in Review, below, to read about the programs implemented in response to the pandemic, as well as other City Council accomplishments for 2020.
I am inspired by our progress on several key issues facing Durango, including our economic development and revitalization programs, budget stabilization, maintenance of vital city services, and development of city staff, but we have much yet to be done. I ask for your support as I seek a second term to continue advancing our projects and commitments.
Durango City Council
Priorities for the Term Ahead
My top priorities for this upcoming term include:
- Support and advocacy of our local businesses. I serve on the Economic Recovery Task Force for Restaurant and Retail Sectors and will continue to focus on efforts to support our businesses and reinvigorate commerce throughout town.
- Implementation of financial policies, controls, and systems. I serve as the City Council liaison on the Strategy and Long-term Finance Committee where recommendations will be made to City Council to support these initiatives.
- Greater support of our arts and culture initiatives to diversify our economy and strengthen our sense of community and locale. I serve as the City Council liaison to the Creative Economy Commission and I recognize the value of arts and culture as an economic driver.
- Focus on connectivity, safe pedestrian/bicycle crossings, and ADA* accessibility. (*Americans with Disabilities Act)
- Address affordable/attainable housing, homelessness, water infrastructure and facility needs, and long-term financial sustainability.
I am rolling up my sleeves to continue the progress and forward momentum that we have achieved over the past four years. Thank you for your support as I seek a second term. I remain committed to you and your voice, and I hope you will contact me any time with your questions, comments, and suggestions. Please see the options below to participate in my campaign—and thank you!

Why Re-Elect Melissa Youssef?
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Endorsements for Melissa Youssef
2021 Durango City Council Re-ElectionEndorsements for Melissa Youssef
- The Durango Herald:
Youssef has proven herself, in her four years on the council, to be an excellent communicator, leading in-person conversations large and small and using email to advocate for city initiatives. At times, she appears to know as much as city staff members about issues under consideration, providing both street-level and 30,000-foot perspectives. During her term, the former city manager exited abruptly; charges were brought against the finance director; a new city manager was hired; and COVID-19 erupted. Those kinds of events build judgment and leadership. Youssef values the new strategic plan, will work to create workforce housing, add to local economic strength, reduce carbon emissions and improve fire mitigation. Read on…
- Eben Harrell – The Durango Herald:
“Everyone has a plan until they get punched in the mouth,” the boxer Mike Tyson once said. Melissa Youssef joined Durango City Council four years ago with an impressive catalogue of innovative plans to help Durango grow and flourish sustainably. One might describe her as a Durango policy wonk. Her tenure was instead defined by multiple crises, including wildfire, two contentious city personnel transitions, and a once-in-a-generation pandemic. She responded with poise, clear-headedness, and decency. She has earned re-election. She helped get us through the rapids; let us hope she is given the chance to guide us through calmer waters in her next term. Read on…
- Jeff Schell – The Durango Herald:
I had the privilege of serving with Melissa Youssef for four years on the Durango 9-R School Board. Melissa took her role as a board member seriously. She was always prepared for meetings and ready to ask hard questions of the staff concerning the education of our children. When making decisions she always focused on the mission of the district and the needs of its students. Melissa has brought the same dedication and commitment to City Council Read on…
- Chris McCroskey – The Durango Herald:
I have always been extra cautious about endorsing anyone. Four years ago, I was asked to endorse Melissa Youssef and I was happy to do so. I was convinced that this young, energetic woman could and would be a great voice for the men and women who make Durango the town that it is. Read on…
- Stephens Parker – The Durango Herald:
I have always been extra cautious about endorsing anyone. Four years ago, I was asked to endorse Melissa Youssef and I was happy to do so. I was convinced that this young, energetic woman could and would be a great voice for the men and women who make Durango the town that it is. Read on…
- Sheri Rochford Figgs – The Durango Herald:
Melissa is an empathetic leader who listens. Melissa possesses outstanding leadership qualities and has the depth and breadth of experience to provide continuity on the City Council. Melissa has enhanced communication and kept citizens aware of what is happening in Durango. Melissa is an excellent public speaker and she is passionate about Durango and LaPlata County. She pays attention to diverse issues and she cares. Read on…
- Lynne Sholler – The Durango Herald:
I hope you’ll join me in re-electing Melissa Youssef to City Council. She soldiered through four crisis-laden years, yet is willing to continue to serve. Working through such challenging circumstances provided invaluable knowledge that will benefit Durango moving forward. Read on…
- Jack Morrison – The Durango Herald:
Four years ago, Melissa Youssef brought to the City Council much needed integrity, honesty and transparency. Prior to her election there was a community perception about the lack of transparency on the part of several council members. During her tenure she has proven to be a competent, fair, cooperative and transparent leader. Read on…
- Molly Martin – The Durango Herald:
Melissa Youssef has been a leader in our community since the minute she landed in Durango. In her early years, Melissa served on the Community Foundation board, sat on the 9-R board and was a founding board member of Animas High School. There are many other boards and commissions she has served on since then. Read on…
- Bill LeMaire – The Durango Herald:
Thanks to all the folks who stepped forward to run for City Council. I’m sure any of these candidates would be good for the community in their own way. However, two of my choices will be to re-elect Melissa Youssef and to elect Seth Furtney. I have seen both in action and am confident they will bring intelligence and objectivity to the position, and when it comes to making hard decisions, the right measure of toughness. Read on…
- Jessica Wheeler – The Durango Herald:
Warren Buffett is quoted saying, “It’s only when the tide goes out that you learn who has been swimming naked.” Looking back, our community managed better than most through this horrible time in no small part because of the effective and tireless leadership of Melissa Youssef. You don’t make the national news when the power stays on, the water is clean and flowing, and businesses survive against unprecedented challenges. Read on…
- Mary Marqua- The Durango Herald:
Melissa Youssef is effective, accountable, and committed. It is said that the best predictor of future performance is past performance, making the decision to re-elect Melissa Youssef to City Council the best choice. Read on…
- Chris Bettin – The Durango Herald:
Few know that Melissa Youssef convinced me to run for council, though my family and coworkers were opposed.
There’s nothing like politics to challenge a friendship and we soon found ourselves on opposing sides. In the midst of those battles, a respect was born that transcends any division.Melissa’s response to those challenges was to double down on intellectual curiosity, and to put in more time, more effort and more heart. She led a divided council as mayor during perhaps its most difficult year – transitioning to a new city manager, weathering financial betrayal from a top city leader and confronting the catastrophe of a global pandemic, just to name the highlights. Read on…
- Jasper Welch – The Durango Herald:
Melissa Youssef is an experienced leader and financially competent member of our City Council. I serve as a volunteer on the Strategy & Long-Term Finance Advisory Board, where Melissa has been the Council liaison. Her willingness to listen, engage in financial policy discussions and consider various viewpoints is excellent.Read on…
- Nancy Shanks – The Durango Herald:
As a city councilor and mayor over the past four years, Melissa Youssef has made good on her promise of transparent and trustworthy leadership. Mentors are crucial for women in tech, but the process can be murky. Here’s how to make the most of mentorships. She has demonstrated time and again that she is a very good listener, researcher and level-headed decision maker. She is an incredibly hard worker who possesses an abundance of integrity and thoughtfulness. Read on…
- Andy Corra- The Durango Herald:
Council leadership is more than individuals, it is a collective team that helps guide decisions through collaboration, diversity of experience and varied expertise. My vote goes to the contingent of Melissa Youssef, for her council experience and ability to truly listen to our community…. Vote Youssef, Lockwood, Buell for an effective council, Durango strong! Read on…
- Rod Barker – The Durango Herald:
I am very happy to endorse both Melissa Youssef and Jessika Buell for our City Council election.Mentors are crucial for women in tech, but the process can be murky. Here’s how to make the most of mentorships. Melissa has a huge capacity to learn the truth behind difficult issues and come to a well-balanced decision. We are very lucky to have her on the City Council. Read on…
- Bobby Duthie – The Durango Herald:
Melissa Youssef is exactly what Durango has needed to progressively move forward into a better Durango for all that live here.She has raised a family here and been a moving force behind the school systems, the nonprofits, the medical providers, the response to COVID-19, the local businesses, the professionals, and all the workers that make Durango our community. Read on…
- Thomas Pope – The Durango Herald:
As a member of the Mayor’s Youth Advisory Commission (MYAC), I have had the privilege of working with Councilwoman Youssef for a full year, and I can say with complete confidence that she is one of the most caring and supportive people I have had the pleasure to work with. Read on…
- John Simpson – The Durango Herald:
I support Melissa because she has made some great decisions: not supporting the bait-and-switch “streets tax,” not supporting another unneeded water rate increase, and hiring an excellent city manager who has no ties to the former management.Read on…
- Denny Ehlers – The Durango Herald:
Melissa Youssef has demonstrated intelligence, integrity, work ethic, vision, and thoughtful problem-solving as a City Councilor. She carefully listens to different points of view while treating citizens with dignity and respect. Melissa is a strong, steady and inspiring leader for these challenging times. Read on…
- John and Glennie Ritchey – The Durango Herald:
It was an easy decision to endorse Melissa Youssef for another term on the Durango City Council. Melissa’s contributions to the betterment of Durango over the past (gasp) 20 years are legion. We all had an opportunity to see her in action as mayor, and when she successfully guided us through the COVID-19 crisis and the twin removals of a dysfunctional city manager and a criminal city finance director. Read on…
- Mary Oswald – The Durango Herald:
One candidate especially stands out, however, in terms of dedication, experience, collaboration and the ability to listen to all her constituents: Melissa Youssef. While I can cite her leadership as she navigated not just the pandemic, but the massive wildfire in 2018 and the city finance director debacle of 2019, what always comes back in my mind’s eye is Melissa Youssef, the candidate of four years ago, who tirelessly knocked on hundreds of doors to listen to Durangoans about the issues that concerned them. Read on…
- Antonia Clark – The Durango Herald:
Melissa Youseff has proven herself, leading and serving this community through very difficult times. She is hard-working, thoughtful, reasonable, and dedicated to serving the citizens of Durango. She does her research and makes good, balanced decisions for the long-term benefit of the community. Read on…
- Mark Smith – The Durango Herald:
Thank you to Melissa Youssef, for all the time, service and effort she has put into our community over the past 24 years. Her experience on the 9R School Board, Parks and Recreation Board, Trails 2000 Board, Animas High School Board, Durango Discovery Museum Board, Community Foundation, Municipal League, Urban Renewal Authority and La Plata Economic Development Alliance Boards has uniquely contributed to her ability to serve as a City Councilor and mayor over the past four years. Read on…
- Janet Wiley- The Durango Herald:
Rather than look at each individual candidate, I have evaluated the candidates based on their skills, knowledge and how well they would work together as part of a team. Melissa Youssef is a known entity; we have seen her research problems, ask questions and understand the issues. Her ability to listen provides her with clear judgement, her professionalism creates an engaged dialog among council members and her knowledge in finance allows her to support good decisions. Read on…
- Leigh Meigs – The Durango Herald:
Who can say they know the solution to the problems of homelessness? No one. Thankfully, though, we do have a local leader who has embraced the problem and is working strenuously to address it. That leader is Durango City Councilor Melissa Youssef. Over the past four years, Youssef has shared in our compassion for people living homeless. She has also understood well that our community needs proactive, realistic, strategic steps towards better solutions to the problems of homelessness. Read on…